Canberra | Berry | Bowral | Sydney
21 August - 24 August
String Quartet Op. 76 No. 6 in E flat major Fantasia
String Quartet in A minor D. 804 Rosamunde
Fantasia in 4 parts No. 8 in D minor Z 739
Symphony No. 96 in D major Miracle
(arr. Salomon)
Approx 120 minutes with a 20 minute interval
An audience so enraptured by a symphonic finale that they rush as one toward the stage at the very moment a chandelier crashes to the floor behind them. Alas, fake news, folks, but the fact that music has miraculous powers needs no checking, and here is a concert in which musical wonders never cease.
The AHE quartet return to Haydn’s Op. 76 with No. 6 in E flat major. It’s often called the Fantasia after its utterly captivating slow movement, but the true sense of the word - the composer’s “fancy” running freely - applies equally to the whole quartet, from the euphoric riffing on a few chords in the first movement, to the finale’s MC Escher-like rhythmic illusions. Guaranteed to tie tapping toes in knots.
Another miracle: Schubert’s sublime Quartet in A minor was 200 years old last year! When you hear it leaping off the page on gut strings, stripped of vibrato-soaked varnish, it’s like a world premiere. The harmonic language of the menuetto alone is literally marvellous: what creative process led him to take a jaded dance-form on such a mysterious and melancholy journey? And the transformation of the Rosamunde theme; again, truly fantastical.
As Fantasy Genre permits, the Ensemble then briefly step backwards in time to savour one of Purcell’s deliciously piquant Fantasias in 4 parts, No. 8 Z 739 (originally for viols) before charging headlong into the (composed) first of Haydn’s London symphonies: No. 96 in D major.
The Miracle moniker is misleading because the Phantom of the Opera moment happened 5 symphonies down the track, but in any case, it’s more “merry” than miraculous, brimming as it is with infectious bon amie. The final movement is positively Buster Keatonian as a deadpan tune tries to surreptitiously tiptoe out of the hall only to be continually doused in storm and stress.
These days a chamber music audience forming a spontaneous mosh-pit in front of the band would indeed be worthy of official miracle status, but after a work as pleasurable as this, anything’s possible. Watch out, though, for falling masonry.

Saturday 23 August, 4pm
Southern Highlands
Bowral Memorial Hall
Bendooley Street, Bowral
Sunday 24 August, 4pm
The Neilson, Pier 2 / 3
Dawes Point, Sydney
Experience our new pre-event series of talks alongside your concert subscription.
Held on a different day to AHE’s Sydney concerts, these special, informative events are available as 3, 4, of 5 event subscription packages in Sydney - sold separately to your concert series subscription.
Learn more about the Composers and Music in this performance from the following links:
This program features works that relate to the idea of ‘Fantasia’ and ‘Miracles’. You’ll hear this beautiful Purcell Fantasia in 4 parts Z 739 along with Haydn’s Op. 76 No. 6 quartet Fantasia, Schubert’s Rosamunde quartet and Salmon’s chamber arrangement of Haydn’s Miracle Symphony

Listen to further selections from the program on our spotify playlist.
First time attending a concert and not sure what to expect? Don’t worry! Scroll down to find out about attending an AHE concert. If you have questions that you don’t see the answer to here, send us an email and we’d be happy to help. Contact one of our friendly team at:
Firstly, you should know there are no rules. Going to a concert can be a great time to glam it up. If that feels right, then go ahead – there’ll almost certainly be plenty of others dressing up.
It’s also totally fine to come in jeans – and plenty of people do. The only real “rule” is to wear something that’s comfortable.
Don’t worry – nobody is going to get into trouble for clapping in the “wrong” place. The only real rule is not to clap while the musicians are actually playing (as other people can’t hear them).
The thing to know is that applause conventions have changed over time. People used to talk all the way through the opera in the 1700s, and we don’t tend to do that now!
At AHE, the music we play will often come to the end of a section (known as a movement) with what feels like a ‘big finish’. It’s like the composer is begging you to respond. And in days of old, they may well have shouted or clapped or cheered at that point!
When that happens, and you “accidentally” clap and not many others do, you have done nothing wrong! Just sit back and let it all sink in. You may still feel the vibration of the music in the air, and it can be quite a magical moment.
The performers will be getting ready for the next movement, which may have a very different feel to it. That’s all part of the journey of the piece as a whole.
Think of it like a book, with each movement like a chapter. You save your Goodreads five-star review for the end – and that has now become the convention for clapping at concerts.
At the end of the work, there will once again be a lovely pause while the final notes die away.
Watch for the body language of the players and let that be your guide. The majority of people around you may also start clapping too – so that’s always a good sign to let go and express yourself.
You don’t have to hold back at all now! Feel free to clap as loud and long as you like, cheer or you can even stamp your feet on the floor while you are still seated if you really loved it!
Sometimes you’ll see people standing up and clapping too (called a standing ovation). You don’t have to do this, but when and if you do, just know that it’s the highest honour an audience can give the musicians and a sign of maximum appreciation.
Most of all – listen and enjoy!
Each performance has a detailed concert program that explains the history of the composers, the music and provides information about the musicians.
You can pick up a concert program at the performance or read it online a few weeks before the concert. Once, available, we upload it to our Concert Programs page and include it on the event page (above)
We also try to provide information about the music in the lead up to a concert on our website, social channels and via emails.
In our ‘Deep Dive’ section (also on this page for each concert), you will find links to various background information pages that will help to give you more insight into the works and composers on the program.
Be sure you have opted in to receive emails so that you get all the info.
Yes, depending on the venue. The availability of refreshments varies from venue to venue and changes from time to time.
Below is information about what is currently available at our own venues.
BERRY: In Berry, we have community-led catering which usually includes tea and coffee, wine, cakes and snacks served by our wonderful local supporters.
BOWRAL MEMORIAL HALL: Delicious pre-concert and interval homemade treats are provided by the CWA. Alcohol is not currently available. There are gluten-free options and you can pay by cash or card.
BURRAWANG, SCHOOL OF ARTS: In Burrawang, we have gorgeous community-led catering which usually includes tea and coffee, wine and snacks served by the wonderful hall committee.
CANBERRA: Wesley Music Centre. Interval tea and coffee is on the cards for this venue in the future!
CITY RECITAL HALL: In Sydney, the City Recital Hall operates a full service bar before the concert and at interval. You can even take your drink inside the concert! Note that the City Recital Hall is a cashless bar. More information on all the dining options and bars is available here.
LAKE MACQUARIE: Tea and coffee, wine and snacks available.
PORT MACQUARE: Tea, coffee and wine available.
Between pieces definitely. Our instruments aren’t amplified so we ask you to respect everyone’s experience and that you don’t talk whilst the musicians are playing.
Photos are fine between pieces and when the musicians are bowing at the end of pieces, provided the flash is off.
Our musicians are concentrating hard whilst they are performing though, so we ask that your phone is off and away during the performance itself.